November 12, 2008

I and my peroen

Hi, I`m Fenja.

I`m writing this blog, because I make my Abi and do this for my Englishlessen.I haven`t write a blog in my life, but I do my verry best. I have two sisters and one brother.We also live together with one or two little babys. They life hear somtimes then they go back to their parents or better in a new family. At the moment we life together with a girl. Her age is three and a halv month

I live in a beautiful home with my family. We have a black dog. She coms from The Ilend kreter and his nam is Lotte.

My hobbys are singing, listening musik and reading fantasy Books.

Rock my soul in the bosem of Abraham,rock my soul inte bosom of Abraham, rock my soul in the bosom of Abraham,oh,rocka my soul. Oh Sorry. I´m singing, Oh, no, The bass and tenor voice.